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How can I get my course reviews migrated? - قاعدة المعلومات / Professional Development / Course catalogue / Publishing a course - European School Education Platform Support

How can I get my course reviews migrated?

قائمة المؤلفين

Please note that the European School Education Platform will rely solely on (star) ratings; individual (textual) reviews will no longer be displayed. Our intention is to migrate course ratings upon request, but at this point we cannot guarantee that this will happen. The current course rating migration plan involves a manual process, both on your side and on ours:

  • First, you will have to recreate the course on the European School Education Platform. As the information structure for each course (the fields required in the form to create a course) is significantly different between the current and the European School Education Platform, it will be necessary to edit the texts before you can upload them on the European School Education Platform.
  • Second, you will need to inform us when you publish your (old) courses on the European School Education Platform. We will then map your courses on the European School Education Platform with your courses on the School Education Gateway. We will check if the information of each course on the old and the new platform are virtually identical. This is needed because we want to make sure that a review submitted by a user does not suddenly gets assigned to a (seemingly) different course. If the course descriptions are not sufficiently similar, we cannot accept the rating migration request.
  • Last, the technical team of the Erasmus+ Mobility Tool/Beneficiary Module will link each review to the relevant course on the new platform. When this is done, the review should automatically appear on your course on the European School Education Platform.
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