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How can I edit the information of an organisation/school? - Base de conocimiento / Schools & Organisations - European School Education Platform Support

How can I edit the information of an organisation/school?

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The steps to change the information of your organisation/school depends on whether it is eTwinning-validated or not. To find out the validation status:

  • Click on your name in the top-right

  • Click on ‘My profile’

  • In the ‘Organisations’ tab, check the “eTwinning validation status” of the organisation

Is your organisation eTwinning-validated?

For the moment this is not possible. In the future, you will be able to request changes, which your National Support organisation will then need to approve. When this functionality becomes available on the platform, it will be communicated to all eTwinners. For the now, contact your National Support Organisation.

Is your organisation not eTwinning-validated?

Administrators of the organisation can edit its details. On the ‘Organisations’ tab on your profile, click on the three dots and choose ‘Edit organisation’.

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