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Why have I not received an export of my courses? - Knowledgebase / Professional Development / Course catalogue / Publishing a course - European School Education Platform Support

Why have I not received an export of my courses?

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We are elaborating on all users’ requests; if you have requested an export by the deadline of 25 August 2022, then it is highly likely that your request has been successfully registered.

The export will consist of a spreadsheet. It will contain all the information for each course except the course image and the course’s reviews and ratings. (If you are interested in migrating the reviews, please see this article.)

We will get back to all users’ requests as soon as the export of the courses is ready. However, please note that the course catalogue is not yet available on the new platform. Therefore, it is not yet possible to recreate your courses on the European School Education Platform.

We will promptly publish an announcement when this functionality becomes available.

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